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Onsite Sketch
Initial Render
Contextual Site Plan
Floor Plan
Rendered Perspectives

This semester we were asked to research and design three different typologies, my three initial typologies were courtyard, atrium and serial progression.

Courtyard- Characterised by an open space open to the sky and surrounded by built elements.

Atrium- Characterised by a large open central space generally designated for a meeting place.

Serial Progression- Characterised by a sense of growth or development within a built form. 

These images show a progression of work throughout the semester in the development of my serial progression house and a group dwelling exercise. 

An important element of this project was the historical Ascot Kiln site, my design encourages education of the historical site and ensures their continued historic integrity. 

Ascot Kilns is the largest grouping of bee hive kilns in Australia and were integral in the development of the city of Belmont.

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